Fee Schedule

Consultant Consultations

Initial consultation (45 minutes) £230
Follow-up consultation (30 minutes) £160

Additional Services

Nutritional Therapist Consultation
Life Coach Consultation (90 minute session) £250


Mirena coil insertion £260


Ultrasound Scan (if required)
After your ultrasound scan, we will send you a copy of the scan report.

Blood Tests

Please note – the turnaround time for blood tests are 2-3 days

Individual blood tests are available, and we can quote for them separately. Please find the fees for some of the test packages below.

Menopause Tests 1 FSH,Oestradiol (17-beta), TSH, FT4 £229
Menopause Tests 2 FSH, Oestradiol (17-Beta), FT4, Testosterone, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Folate £425.50
Testosterone replacement Testosterone, SHBG, Oestradiol £166

What information can be gained from the tests recommended?


This is commonly used around the time of menopause or after the menopause to assess the womb and its lining if a woman has unscheduled or heavy bleeding to find a cause. Depending on the findings, the recommendations may be to have additional tests via your GP.

FSH - (Follicular stimulating hormone)

This hormone is produced in the brain and drives the production of oestrogen by the ovaries. It is recommended to diagnose early menopause and is not needed if a woman is over the age of 45 years and has menopausal symptoms.


This test is mainly used to assess whether a woman has adequate hormone replacement from her HRT to manage her symptoms.

TSH - (Thyroid-stimulating hormone)

This is another hormone that drives the production of thyroxine from the thyroid gland. Thyroxine is important in the body to regulate the body’s metabolism. This test can be used to diagnose a thyroid disorder which can have similar symptoms to the menopause and is more common in women.


This test measures the amount of thyroid hormone in the body and can also be used to diagnose thyroid conditions.


Testosterone is a hormone that is important in women once in adulthood to modulate sexual behavious. If you are prescribed testosterone as part of your HRT you Will be advised to have this test before starting treatment and whilst you are on replacement to ensure that levels remain in the normal range for women.

SHBG - (Sex hormone binding globulin)

This test can be useful if you are not responding to testosterone treatment or are getting side effects.

Vitamin B12

This vitamin keeps the nervous system healthy and deficiencies can cause a wide range of problems. Blood tests can guide if you require replacement.

Vitamin D

This vitamin regulates the amount of calcium in the body to maintain bone health. Your body can make this vitamin from sunlight. Deficiencies are more common in people who have dark skin or do not expose their skin enough to sunlight.


This vitamin is important to help the body make DNA and help the body’s cells work and divide. The most common symptom of folate deficiency is anaemia. This is usually tested alongside vitamin B12.


Tel: 01244 506 261
Mob: 0747 647 6456
Email: info@ abbeymenopause.co.uk
Address: Unit 6 Telford Court, Dunkirk Trading Estate Chester Gates, Chester CH1 6LT

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